Tuesday, September 27, 2011

This is perfect.
Thanks everyone for your lovin' while I've been sick.
Tune in to the latest adventure of Ickle and Lardee.

Monday, September 26, 2011

There's something to be said about cuddling up to your favorite plushie when you're sick. I have a small skele-animal rabbit named Jack that keeps me company when I'm not feeling my best. I took my day in doses of sleep, chicken noodle soup, and drinking oj. I think the combination of all three is the equivalent to the five magic rings from Captain Planet; with their powers combined they summon a force to be reckoned with. So I'm feeling a bit better- forming complete sentences an all- although I'm not quite sitting up-right yet... maybe I'd better throw a blankie into the equation.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Relief Society Broadcast was refreshing. Elder Utchdorf talked about his favorite flower, the forget-me-not. Their simplistic beauty remind us of 5 points that we should never forget.
  1. Be patient and Compassionate with yourselves
  2. Some Sacrifices are better than others (Temperance)
  3. You need not wait for a golden ticket to be Happy (find happiness now)
  4. Never forget that the 'Why' of the gospel of Jesus
    Christ will inspire and uplift you
  5. Never forget that your Heavenly Father Knows, Loves, and Cherishes you (you are never forgotten)

They really are beautiful, little flowers.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sigh of relief. Both families picked. Thus the research begins!
I did a brief locality survey, etc for Carroll County, MD, and I'm pumped. The family lived in Carroll, Frederick, and Baltimore Counties. My primary is Susan Catherine Waesche, daughter of Charles Albert Waesche, born in 1870.
First order of business is a locality history. That'll give me the historical and social context that will drop a lot of clues... Jinkies.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Whew! I picked my family from Mexico, now I really have to finalize who I'm going to work with for my Southern US class. I hope I can choose a family that already has some info established because most of that data is unconfirmed and/or fishy...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

New objectives

Ok so here we go adventuring.

I have two genealogical research classes this semester. For my Southern European/Latin American class, I'm going to work on my family from Chihuahua, Mexico. For my Southern United States class, I'm selecting some ancestry from Maryland. My previous research experience has been in Maine and Massachusetts, so it will be good to learn how to function in some other localities.

Thanks goes out to my Aunt Carol for sending me updated gedcoms, stories, and pictures for my maternal line.

Let the research begin!